
Nexcite是一种不含酒精的碳酸饮料,具有草药提取物和咖啡因的专有配方。 As an energy drink it is sometimes combined with alcohol, a practice that distributors are aware of, but say they do not promote.作为一种能量饮料,有时会与酒精混合使用,这是分销商意识到的一种做法,但说这种做法不会促进。
The product is supposed to augment women's libido and sexual stimulation and typically is marketed with the description "love herbs from Sweden."该产品被认为可以增强女性的性欲和性刺激能力,通常以“来自瑞典的爱草药”的描述销售。 Its first name was Niagara, in an apparent pun referencing the Viagra erectile dysfunction treatment and the waters of Niagara Falls, but the company was sued by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer for copyright infringement, leading to a name change in 2001. Nexcite was the focus of heavy promotion following the name change, including a discussion of the product in an article in the women's magazine Redbook, in which the author personally tried several products that purported to promote libido or sexual satisfaction in women.它的名字叫尼亚加拉(Niagara),明显地引用了伟哥勃起功能障碍治疗和尼亚加拉瀑布的水域,但该公司被制药公司辉瑞(Pfizer)起诉侵犯版权,导致在XNUMX年更名。改名后进行了大幅度的宣传,包括在女性杂志《红皮书》中的一篇文章中对该产品进行了讨论,作者在其中亲自尝试了几种旨在提高女性性欲或性满足感的产品。