2019年普通的烟酰胺溶液中的白热瓶是典型的代表,这是大多数美容博客推荐的。 In addition, the OLAY light-sensitive white bottle is still hot, and the ISD nicotinamide whitening ampoule and SK-II small bulb whitening essence are also quite popular.此外,OLAY感光白瓶仍然很热,ISD烟酰胺美白安瓿和SK-II小球泡美白精华也很受欢迎。 It proves that consumers have wide recognition of the efficacies of nicotinamide for whitening and light spots, and will set containing a certain concentration of nicotinamide as one of the criteria for selecting whitening products.事实证明,消费者已广泛意识到烟酰胺对美白和亮斑的功效,并将含有一定浓度的烟酰胺作为选择美白产品的标准之一。
Retinol products: Neutrogena A Moisturizing Night Cream, a golden partner of Olay Light White Bottle.视黄醇产品:露得清(Neutrogena)保湿晚霜,玉兰油浅白色瓶的黄金伴侣。 Apart from them, there are Paula Retinol Essence and RetinolA Essence which are popular this year.除此以外,还有今年受欢迎的宝拉视黄醇精华素和视黄醇A精华素。
Ceramide is a lipid naturally found in the skin.神经酰胺是皮肤中天然存在的脂质。 Data has shown that ceramide can effectively help the skin lock in moisture and promote self-healing of the skin barrier.数据表明,神经酰胺可以有效帮助皮肤锁住水分,并促进皮肤屏障的自我修复。 With the growth of our age, the natural secretion of ceramide in the skin accordingly decreases, which leads to dry skin, wrinkles, and some skin inflammation.随着年龄的增长,神经酰胺在皮肤中的自然分泌相应减少,这会导致皮肤干燥,出现皱纹和一些皮肤发炎。 In recent years, with changes in air pollution and extreme weather, the concept of "repairing" has continued to be hot in the skincare field, and ceramide has also become quite a popular moisturizer, which is mainly used in masks, essences, lotions and creams.近年来,随着空气污染和极端天气的变化,“修复”的概念在护肤领域一直很热门,神经酰胺也已成为相当流行的保湿剂,主要用于面膜,香精,乳液和面霜。
相对知名的神经酰胺产品包括Lanzhi Beauty Essence,Shigeo Doctor Soft Run海洋胶原蛋白凝胶,EltaMD神经酰胺修复精华,Guyu增白修复霜,CeraVe保湿乳等。
4. Bifidafermentlysate:女士品牌的“灵魂”成分
Schizosaccharomyces cerevisiae is a metabolite, cytoplasmic fragment, cell wall component and polysaccharide complex obtained from bifidobacteria after culture, inactivation and decomposition.酿酒酵母是培养,失活和分解后从双歧杆菌获得的代谢产物,细胞质片段,细胞壁成分和多糖复合物。 The yeast is obtained by culturing, inactivating, and decomposing Bifidobacterium to obtain metabolites, cytoplasmic fragments, cell wall components, and polysaccharide complexes.通过培养,灭活和分解双歧杆菌获得酵母,以获得代谢产物,细胞质片段,细胞壁成分和多糖复合物。 It can be called the lysate of the fermented product of the fission yeast which is totally different from the yeast itself.它可以称为裂变酵母发酵产物的裂解物,它与酵母本身完全不同。 The extraction process is similar to lysate from yeast fermentation products.提取过程类似于酵母发酵产物中的裂解物。
The main effect of Y. lobata yeast is to repair anti-light aging, whitening and anti-aging, which has a strong anti-immunosuppressive activity and can promote DNA repairing, effectively protecting the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet rays.球根酵母的主要作用是修复抗光老化,美白和抗衰老,它具有很强的抗免疫抑制活性,可以促进DNA修复,有效保护皮肤免受紫外线伤害。 It produces small molecules that are beneficial for skin care, including vitamin B group, minerals, amino acids, etc. It is a high-quality yeast extract used only for skin care, strengthening the metabolism of the stratum corneum, capturing free radicals, and inhibiting lipid peroxidation.它产生有益于皮肤护理的小分子,包括维生素B族,矿物质,氨基酸等。它是一种高质量的酵母提取物,仅用于皮肤护理,增强角质层的代谢,捕获自由基和抑制脂质过氧化。 with whitening and anti-aging functions.具有美白和抗衰老功能。
Hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, belongs to mucopolysaccharide.透明质酸,也称为HA,属于粘多糖。 It is a significant moisturizing ingredient in the beauty industry, which is contained in many skin care products and cosmetics.它是美容行业中重要的保湿成分,许多护肤产品和化妆品中都含有这种成分。 The listing of Huaxi Biotechnology, a technology company whose main product is hyaluronic acid in 2019, has proved to some extent the productivity and influence of hyaluronic acid in the industry.华西生物技术有限公司(一家以透明质酸为主要产品的技术公司)于5年上市,在一定程度上证明了透明质酸在该行业的生产力和影响力。 Well-known products containing hyaluronic acid include Xiuli Ke BXNUMX gel, Winona Hyaluronic Acid Repair Biofilm, etc.含有透明质酸的知名产品包括秀力克BXNUMX凝胶,维诺娜透明质酸修复生物膜等。
The peptide can promote the synthesis of new collagen and achieve anti-aging effects.该肽可促进新胶原蛋白的合成并达到抗衰老作用。 Different types of peptides have various effects.不同类型的肽具有各种作用。 Widely used peptides include signal peptides, neurotransmitter inhibitory peptides, carrier peptides, etc.广泛使用的肽包括信号肽,神经递质抑制肽,载体肽等。
含肽的相对著名的产品有OLAY Red Bottle,韩国品牌AHCB5透明质酸系列,专门紧致精华液的Estee Lauder,海蓝神秘精华液霜等。