

[通用名称] 地衣
[植物名] Parmelia saxatilis(L。)
[主要规格] 25%三萜皂苷
[检测方法] HPLC
[ 姓 ] PARMELIACEAE主要是速率提取物
[检测方法] UV
[提取比例] 10:1 20:1或根据客户需求定制
[出现] 棕黄色粉末
On the bark of trees, flat, grey rosettes are formed.在树皮上,形成平坦的灰色玫瑰花结。 These rosettes are made up of fan-shaped lobes that spread out over the surface.这些花环由散布在表面的扇形叶组成。 Each lobe has a network of fine white lines on the surface, and has a lighter coloured edge.每个瓣表面上都有一条细白线网络,边缘颜色较浅。 In addition, older plants have small, rod-like growths in the centre.Common on trees and rocks此外,较老的植物在中心有细小的杆状生长。常见于树木和岩石上
Parmelia saxatilis extract is a kind of compositive powder extracted by advanced supercritical extraction technology from wild Parmelia saxatilis origin of Daxinganling Region in China.The content of main effective ingredient is Salazinic acid, 25%up in this product.虎尾草提取物是通过先进的超临界萃取技术从中国大兴安岭地区野生虎尾草提取的一种复合粉末,主要有效成分含量为鼠尾草酸,该产品含量提高了0.5%。 The chemical ingredients include Salazinic acid, kitool acid, oleic acid, lichen acid, Stearia acid,Behenic acid,etc.. It can be used as remedy of nourishing blood, brighting eyes,clearing away heat,stopping metrorrhagia, diuresis,restoring nephridium ,building up body.The product is packed in poly bags with a aluminum foil outside.其化学成分包括萨拉奇酸,Kitool酸,油酸,地衣酸,硬脂酸,山hen酸等。可用于补血,明目,清热,止血,利尿,恢复肾上腺素,将产品包装在带有铝箔的塑料袋中。 5-2kg per bag, XNUMX bags per carton.每袋XNUMX-XNUMX公斤,每箱XNUMX袋。 This product has been exported to Europe, Japan, France,up to exporting standards level.Pharmaceutic factories and distributors are welcoome to contact us negoticiate with us for details.该产品已出口到欧洲,日本,法国,达到出口标准水平。制药厂和分销商欢迎与我们联系,与我们进行详细协商。

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