

      Aloe vera is the best treatment for the hair loss.芦荟是脱发的最佳疗法。 Most of the people are using aloe vera products for centuries which maintain their healthy and thick hair.数百年来,大多数人都使用芦荟产品来保持头发健康和浓密。 Aloe vera gel is applied on the hair and scalp in order to prevent hair loss.芦荟凝胶适用于头发和头皮,以防止脱发。 Aloe vera contains the enzyme which is helpful in stimulating the growth of new hair.芦荟中所含的酶有助于刺激新发的生长。 Aloe vera also consists of anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial in fighting against Androgenetic Alopecia and prevents hair loss.芦荟还具有抗炎特性,有助于对抗雄激素性脱发并防止脱发。 Aloe vera protects the scalp and hair from being damage from any disease.芦荟保护头皮和头发免受任何疾病的损害。 
      Most of the people think that there is no such product which can help in reducing hairs.大多数人认为没有这样的产品可以帮助减少头发。 The people spend too much money on various hair products and all the products provide no positive results and some also contain side effects.人们在各种护发产品上花了太多钱,所有产品均无正面效果,有些还含有副作用。 So, aloe vera is treated as the magic substance for the growth of hairs因此,芦荟被视为头发生长的神奇物质
      Aloe vera is used in various products for the hair growth like shampoos and conditioners and even in hair oils.芦荟用于洗发水和护发素等各种头发生长产品中,甚至用于发油中。 One can use a soft shampoo and conditioner on the hairs and massage it on a scalp and hair regularly to prevent from hair loss and dandruff.可以在头发上使用柔软的洗发水和护发素,并定期在头皮和头发上按摩以防止脱发和头皮屑。 Massaging shampoos on the scalp will increase the circulation of the blood in the scalp and avoids excessive mental labor and stress.在头皮上按摩洗发水会增加头皮中的血液循环,并避免过多的脑力劳动和压力。 
      Native Americans, Aloe VeraIndians and Caribbeans have been using aloe vera since ages for the promotion of healthy hair and prevent the hairs from loss.美洲印第安人,芦荟印度人和加勒比海人自古以来就使用芦荟来促进健康的头发并防止头发脱落。 Aloe vera heals the scalp from inside and balances the pH of the scalp and is also beneficial for cleaning of the pores.芦荟可以从内部治愈头皮并平衡头皮的pH值,也有利于清洁毛孔。 Aloe vera gel with coconut milk mixed with the small amount of wheat germ oil and is used as a shampoo and provides excellent results to many people.芦荟凝胶和椰奶混合少量的小麦胚芽油,被用作洗发水,对许多人而言效果极佳。 
      Aloe vera shampoos and conditioners contain the perfect combination of natural oils, shea butter, herbal extracts and vitamins.芦荟洗发水和护发素含有天然油脂,乳木果油,草药提取物和维生素的完美组合。 These products of aloe vera are suitable for all types of hair like dry, normal, thin and oily.这些芦荟产品适用于所有类型的头发,如干燥,普通,稀薄和油性。 
      Each shampoo and conditioner is formulated without petroleum-based ingredients or alcohol and is pH balanced.每种洗发水和护发素的配方均不含石油基成分或酒精,并且具有pH平衡功能。 Aloe jojoba shampoo moisturizes, cleans and nourishes the hair and gives a soft and healthy shine to the hairs.芦荟霍霍巴洗发水滋润,清洁和滋养头发,使头发柔软健康。 These products can be applied daily and conditioner should also be applied on the hairs to prevent hair loss and makes the hair soft.这些产品可每天使用,护发素也应涂在头发上,以防止脱发并使头发柔软。 