
IMOD (short for "Immuno-Modulator Drug") is the name of an herbal drug that, according to Iranian scientists, protects those already infected by HIV from the spread of AIDS by strengthening the immune system.根据伊朗科学家的说法,IMOD(“免疫调节剂”的简称)是一种草药药物的名称,它通过增强免疫系统来保护已经感染HIV的人免于AIDS的传播。 Though there is a class of real drugs called immunomodulators, which includes treatments such as interferons and interleukins that are effective against a variety of diseases, no evidence has yet been put forward about IMOD's efficacy that can be objectively tested or reviewed by scientists outside Iran.It has been discussed in the medical literature by JJ Amon of Human Rights Watch as an example of unproven AIDS cures.尽管有一类真正的药物称为免疫调节剂,其中包括对多种疾病有效的干扰素和白介素等治疗方法,但尚无关于IMOD功效的证据可被伊朗以外的科学家客观测试或审查。人权观察杂志的JJ Amon在医学文献中对此进行了讨论,以作为未经证实的艾滋病治疗方法的一个例子。
IMOD于2007年XNUMX月在伊朗计划的“伟大成就”公告中公开发布。 IMOD, developed by a Russian scientist, consists of seven "completely native" Iranian herbs and was tested by the Iranian Research Center for HIV/AIDS.由俄罗斯科学家开发的IMOD由XNUMX种“完全本地化”的伊朗草药组成,并经过伊朗HIV / AIDS研究中心的测试。 The medicine has been approved and announced by the Iranian Ministry of Health.该药物已获伊朗卫生部批准并宣布。
According to Iran, the drug took five years to develop and has been tested on 200 patients.根据伊朗的说法,该药物花了五年时间开发,并已对XNUMX名患者进行了测试。 Widespread testing to measure its efficacy has been promised by Iran.伊朗已承诺进行广泛测试以衡量其功效。
The drug's claimed effect is to control or reduce the spread of HIV infection in the human body, and secondarily to control the infection by the virus.该药声称的作用是控制或减少HIV感染在人体中的传播,其次是控制病毒感染。 Iranian Health Minister Kamran Baqeri Lankarani is quoted as saying "The herbal-made medication, we call it IMOD, serves to rein the AIDS virus and redouble the body's immunity. It is not a medication to completely kill the virus, it can be used besides other anti-retroviral drugs. The drug is that effective and safe with no proved side effects."[citation needed]伊朗卫生部长卡姆兰·巴克里·兰卡兰尼(Kamran Baqeri Lankarani)的话被引述为:“草药制成的药物,我们称为IMOD,用于控制艾滋病病毒并增强人体免疫力。其他抗逆转录病毒药物。这种药物既有效又安全,没有任何副作用。” [需要引用]
All news coverage concerning IMOD has cited the Fars News Agency as the origin of any information concerning IMOD.有关IMOD的所有新闻报道均引用了法尔斯通讯社作为有关IMOD的任何信息的来源。 The Fars News Agency is affiliated with Iran's judiciary.法尔斯通讯社隶属于伊朗司法机构。 Though it reported on IMOD, the less-credible Mehr News Agency is rarely cited due to its affiliation with Iran's Islamic Propagation Organization尽管它在IMOD上进行了报道,但由于与伊朗伊斯兰传播组织有隶属关系,因此很少有人引用不太可信的Mehr新闻社