
Bauhinia purpurea is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, native to South China (which includes Hong Kong) and southeastern Asia.紫荆花(Pauhinia purpurea)是豆科(Fabaceae)的一种开花植物,原产于华南(包括香港)和东南亚。 In the United States of America, the tree grows in Hawaii, coastal California, southern Texas, and southwest Florida.在美利坚合众国,该树生长在夏威夷,加利福尼亚州沿海,德克萨斯州南部和佛罗里达州西南部。 Common names include Hong Kong Orchid Tree, Purple camel's foot, and Hawaiian orchid tree.俗名包括香港兰花,紫骆驼脚和夏威夷兰花。
It is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree growing to 17 m tall.它是一种生长到10 m高的中小型落叶乔木。 The leaves are 20-30 cm long and broad, rounded, and bilobed at the base and apex.叶子长12-16厘米,宽阔,圆形,在基部和先端具双裂。 The flowers are conspicuous, pink and fragrant, with five petals.花显着,粉红色,芬芳,有五瓣。 The fruit is a pod XNUMX cm long, containing XNUMX to XNUMX seeds.果实是一个长XNUMX厘米的豆荚,内含XNUMX至XNUMX颗种子。