
Bagamojensis和var。 25米长的绿色叶子放在1米的叶柄上,叶柄上有刺。 The crownshaft is spherical to 3 m wide, the leaves are round with stiff leaflets, segmented a third or half-way to the petiole.冠轴为球形,至2 m宽,叶片为圆形,叶片坚硬,在叶柄的三分之二处。 In male plants the flower is small and inconspicuous;在雄性植物中,花小而不起眼; females grow larger, 7 cm flowers which produce yellow to brown fruit resembling the coconut containing up to 2 seeds.雌虫长出较大的3厘米花,产生黄色至棕色的果实,类似于椰子,最多含XNUMX粒种子。