
Alcea rosea(普通蜀葵; Syn。Althaea chinensis Wall。,Althaea ficifolia Cav。,Althaea rosea Cav。)是Malvaceae家族的观赏植物。
It was imported into Europe from China in the sixteenth century.它是在XNUMX世纪从中国进口到欧洲的。 William Turner, an herbalist of the time, gave it the name "holyoke" from which the English name derives.当时的草药医生威廉·特纳(William Turner)给它起了“ holyoke”的名字,英文名字由此而来。
Alcea rosea是一种耐寒多年生植物,一旦建立便应开花多年。 It will grow in a wide range of soils, and can easily reach a height of about 8 ft. The flowers are a range of colours from white to dark red, including pink, yellow and orange.它可以在各种土壤中生长,并且可以轻松达到约XNUMX英尺的高度。花朵的颜色从白色到深红色,包括粉红色,黄色和橙色。 Different colours prefer different soils.不同的颜色喜欢不同的土壤。 The darker red variety seems to favour sandy soils, while the lighter colour seems to favour clay soils.较深的红色品种似乎偏爱沙质土壤,而较浅的颜色似乎偏爱黏土。 The plants are easily grown from seed, and readily self-seed.这些植物很容易从种子中生长出来,并且易于自种。 However, tender plants, whether young from seed or from old stock, may be wiped out by slugs and snails.但是,幼嫩的植物,无论是幼种还是旧种,都可能被和蜗牛擦去。 The foliage is subject to severe damage from rust infestations, which may be treated with fungicides.树叶因锈病侵袭而受到严重破坏,可以用杀真菌剂进行处理。