
Okra known by many others names, is a flowering plant in the mallow family (along with such species as cotton, cocoa, and hibiscus), valued for its edible green fruits.秋葵以许多其他名称而闻名,是锦葵科的一种开花植物(以及棉花,可可和芙蓉等物种),以其可食用的绿色水果而闻名。 Okra's scientific name is Abelmoschus esculentus;黄秋葵的学名是Abelmoschus esculentus。 it is occasionally referred to by the synonym, Hibiscus esculentus L.它有时被称为Hibiscus esculentusL。
The species is an annual or perennial, growing to 2 m tall.该物种是一年生或多年生,长到10 m高。 The leaves are 20–5 cm long and broad, palmately lobed with 7–4 lobes.叶子长8–18 cm,宽阔,掌状裂片具XNUMX-XNUMX裂片。 The flowers are XNUMX–XNUMX cm diameter, with five white to yellow petals, often with a red or purple spot at the base of each petal.花的直径为XNUMX-XNUMX厘米,有五瓣白色至黄色的花瓣,每瓣的底部常有红色或紫色的斑点。 The fruit is a capsule up to XNUMX cm long, containing numerous seeds.果实是一个长达XNUMX厘米的胶囊,内有许多种子。
Abelmoschus esculentus is cultivated throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world for its fibrous fruits or pods containing round, white seeds.全世界的热带和温暖温带地区都种植有Abelmoschus esculentus,其纤维状水果或豆荚中含有白色种子。 The fruits are harvested when immature and eaten as a vegetable.未成熟时收获果实,并作为蔬菜食用。