
Abelmoschus是锦葵科Malvaceae中约XNUMX种开花植物的属,原产于热带非洲,亚洲和北澳大利亚。 It was formerly included within Hibiscus, but is now classified as a distinct genus.它以前被包括在芙蓉中,但现在被归类为独特的属。
The genus comprises annual and perennial herbaceous plants, growing to 2 m tall.该属包括一年生和多年生的草本植物,长到10 m高。 The leaves are 40-3 cm long and broad, palmately lobed with 7-4 lobes, the lobes are very variable in depth, from barely lobed, to cut almost to the base of the leaf.叶子长8-5厘米,宽阔,掌状裂片具20-XNUMX裂片,裂片的深度变化很大,从几乎不裂片到几乎切到叶的基部。 The flowers are XNUMX-XNUMX cm diameter, with five white to yellow petals, often with a red or purple spot at the base of each petal.花的直径为XNUMX-XNUMX厘米,有五个白色至黄色的花瓣,每瓣的底部常有红色或紫色的斑点。 The fruit is a capsule, XNUMX-XNUMX cm long, containing numerous seeds.果实是一个胶囊,长XNUMX-XNUMX厘米,其中包含许多种子。
某些鳞翅目物种的幼虫将黄花菜属植物作为食用植物,其中包括已记录在moschatus上的硬壳Ch(Chionodes hibiscella)。