
The cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other supporting frames, wrapping around ribbing with thin, spiraling tendrils.黄瓜是蔓延的藤蔓植物,植根于地面并长成格子或其他支撑架,并缠绕着细细的螺旋状卷须。 The plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit.这种植物的叶子大,在果实上形成冠层。
The fruit is roughly cylindrical, elongated, with tapered ends, and may be as large as 60 cm long and 10 cm in diameter.果实大致呈圆柱形,细长,末端呈锥形,长可达XNUMX厘米,直径可达XNUMX厘米。 Cucumbers grown to be eaten fresh (called slicers) and those intended for pickling (called picklers) are similar.生长为新鲜食用的黄瓜(称为切片机)和用于腌制的黄瓜(称为腌制机)相似。 Cucumbers are mainly eaten in the unripe green form.黄瓜主要以未熟的绿色形式食用。 The ripe yellow form normally becomes too bitter and sour.成熟的黄色通常会变得太苦和变酸。
Having an enclosed seed and developing from a flower, cucumbers are scientifically classified as fruits.具有封闭的种子并从花中发育出来,黄瓜在科学上被归类为水果。 Much like tomatoes and squash, however, their sour-bitter flavor contributes to cucumbers being perceived, prepared and eaten as vegetables, which is the accepted culinary term但是,就像西红柿和南瓜一样,它们的酸苦味有助于使黄瓜作为蔬菜被感知,制备和食用,这是公认的烹饪术语。