
Indigo is the color on the electromagnetic spectrum between about 420 and 450 nm in wavelength, placing it between blue and violet.靛蓝是电磁光谱中波长介于450至XNUMX nm之间的颜色,位于蓝色和紫色之间。 Although traditionally considered one of seven divisions of the optical spectrum, modern color scientists do not usually recognize indigo as a separate division and generally classify wavelengths shorter than about XNUMX nm as violet.尽管传统上被认为是光谱的七个分区之一,但是现代色彩科学家通常并不将靛蓝视为一个单独的分区,通常将短于约XNUMX nm的波长分类为紫色。
One can see spectral indigo by looking at the reflection of a fluorescent tube on the underside of a non-recorded compact disc.通过观察未记录的光盘底面上的荧光灯管的反射,可以看到光谱靛蓝。 This occurs because the CD functions as a diffraction grating, and a fluorescent lamp generally has a peak at 435.833 nm (from mercury), as is visible on the fluorescent lamp spectrum.发生这种情况是因为CD充当衍射光栅,并且荧光灯通常在XNUMX nm处有一个峰(来自汞),这在荧光灯光谱上是可见的。