
Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America.可口可乐是南美洲西北部原生的赤藓科的一种植物。 The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture.该植物在传统的安第斯文化中起着重要作用。 Coca leaves contain cocaine alkaloids, a basis for the drug cocaine, which is a powerful stimulant.古柯叶含有可卡因生物碱,可卡因是一种有效的兴奋剂,是可卡因的基础。
The plant resembles a blackthorn bush, and grows to a height of 2–3 m (7–10 ft).该植物类似于黑刺灌木丛,生长到XNUMX–XNUMX m(XNUMX–XNUMX英尺)的高度。 The branches are straight, and the leaves, which have a green tint, are thin, opaque, oval, and taper at the extremities.树枝是直的,叶子是绿色的,末端是薄的,不透明的,椭圆形的和锥形的。 A marked characteristic of the leaf is an areolated portion bounded by two longitudinal curved lines, one line on each side of the midrib, and more conspicuous on the under face of the leaf.叶子的显着特征是由两条纵向曲线界定的扇形部分,在中肋的每一侧都有一条线,在叶子的下表面更明显。
The flowers are small, and disposed in little clusters on short stalks;花小,短茎上簇生; the corolla is composed of five yellowish-white petals, the anthers are heart-shaped, and the pistil consists of three carpels united to form a three-chambered ovary.花冠由五个黄白色的花瓣组成,花药是心形的,雌蕊由三个心皮组成,形成一个三腔的子房。 The flowers mature into red berries.花成熟成红色浆果。
叶子有时被飞蛾Eloria noyesi的幼虫吃掉。