
In the history of medicine, Islamic medicine or Arabic medicine refers to medicine developed in the medieval Islamic civilization and written in Arabic, the lingua franca of the Islamic civilization.在医学史上,伊斯兰医学或阿拉伯医学是指在中世纪伊斯兰文明中发展并以阿拉伯文写成的医学,阿拉伯语是伊斯兰文明的通用语言。 Despite these names, a significant number of scientists during this period were not Arab.尽管有这些名称,但在此期间,仍有大量的科学家不是阿拉伯人。 Some consider the label "Arab-Islamic" as historically inaccurate, arguing that this label does not appreciate the rich diversity of Eastern scholars who have contributed to Islamic science in this era.有人认为“阿拉伯-伊斯兰”这个标签在历史上是不准确的,他们认为这个标签没有欣赏在这个时代为伊斯兰科学做出贡献的东方学者的丰富多样性。 Latin translations of Arabic medical works had a significant influence on the development of modern medicine.阿拉伯医学著作的拉丁文翻译对现代医学的发展产生了重大影响。
Islamic medicine was a genre of medical writing that was influenced by several different medical systems, including the traditional Arabian medicine of Muhammad's time, ancient Hellenistic medicine such as Unani, ancient Indian medicine such as Ayurveda, and the ancient Iranian Medicine of the Academy of Gundishapur.伊斯兰医学是医学写作的一种类型,受到几种不同医学系统的影响,包括穆罕默德时代的传统阿拉伯医学,古代希腊化医学(如Unani),古代印度医学(如阿育吠陀)和古代贡迪沙布尔学院的伊朗医学。 。 The works of ancient Greek and Roman physicians Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Soranus, Celsus and Galen had a lasting impact on Islamic medicine.古希腊和罗马医师希波克拉底,迪奥斯科里德斯,索拉努斯,塞尔苏斯和盖伦的著作对伊斯兰医学产生了深远的影响。