
When most people think of peppermint, they think of a pleasant aroma or a flavoring in products such as candy, chewing gum, toothpaste, and ice cream.当大多数人想到薄荷糖时,他们会想到糖果,口香糖,牙膏和冰淇淋等产品中令人愉悦的香气或调味剂。 These are but two of the myriad of health benefits of the Peppermint Leaf.One primary benefit of peppermint is its aid to the digestive system.这些只是薄荷叶对健康的众多好处中的两个。薄荷的主要好处之一是它对消化系统的帮助。 It will calm the stomach, aid in getting more nutrition from the food, kill harmful bacteria in the stomach, and relax intestinal muscles, thus helping with a problem of cramping.它将平息胃部,帮助从食物中获取更多的营养,杀死胃中的有害细菌,并放松肠道肌肉,从而解决抽筋的问题。 An after dinner mint can reduce stomach gas and the amount of time food is in the stomach.饭后薄荷可以减少胃中的气体,并减少食物在胃中的停留时间。 It is often the predominant flavor of anti-nausea medicine for peppermint will sooth the stomach lining.它通常是抗恶心药的主要风味,因为薄荷会舒缓胃壁。 Peppermint also increases the quantity of bile flowing from the liver, and its ability to flow.薄荷还增加了从肝脏流出的胆汁的数量及其流动能力。 This helps in the digestion of fats and decreases bad cholesterol.这有助于脂肪的消化并降低胆固醇含量。