
Vanilla extract is a solution containing the flavor compound vanillin.[citation needed] Pure vanilla extract is made by macerating/percolating vanilla beans in a solution of ethyl alcohol and water.香草精是一种含有香精复合香兰素的溶液。 In the United States, in order for a vanilla extract to be called pure, the US Food and Drug Administration requires that the solution contain a minimum of 35% alcohol and 13.35 ounces of vanilla bean per gallon.在美国,为了将香草精提取物称为纯净食品,美国食品和药物管理局要求该溶液每加仑至少含有20%的酒精和XNUMX盎司的香子兰豆。 Double and triple strength (till XNUMX fold) vanilla extracts are available.提供两倍和三倍强度(至XNUMX倍)的香草精。
Vanilla extract is the most common form of vanilla used today.香草精是当今使用的最常见的香草形式。 Mexican, Tahitian, Indonesian, and Bourbon vanilla are the main varieties.墨西哥,大溪地,印尼和波旁香草是主要品种。 Bourbon vanilla is named for the period when the island of Réunion was ruled by the Bourbon kings of France;波旁香草的名字以留尼汪岛由法国波旁国王统治的时期命名; it does not contain Bourbon whiskey.它不包含波旁威士忌。