
Recently, a study from University of California, Irvine, showed that the herbal extract of a yellow-flowered mountain plant indigenous to the Arctic regions of Europe and Asia increased the lifespan of fruit fly populations.最近,来自加州大学尔湾分校的一项研究表明,欧洲和亚洲北极地区土黄色的山地植物的草药提取物可延长果蝇种群的寿命。 Rhodiola rosea, also known as the golden root, grows in cold climates at high altitudes and has been used by Scandinavians and Russians for centuries for its anti-stress qualities.红景天也被称为金根,生长在高海拔的寒冷气候中,由于其抗压力特性,斯堪的纳维亚人和俄罗斯人已经使用了多个世纪。 The herb is thought to have anti-oxidative properties and has been widely studied.该草药被认为具有抗氧化特性,并已被广泛研究。 Flies that ate a diet rich with Rhodiola rosea lived on an average of 10 percent longer than fly groups that didn't eat the herb.食用富含玫瑰红景天的饮食的苍蝇比不食用该草药的苍蝇的平均寿命长XNUMX%。 
Soviet researchers have been studying Rhodiola on athletes and cosmonauts since the 1940s, and have found that the herb boosts the body's response to stress.自5年代以来,苏联研究人员一直在对运动员和宇航员进行红景天的研究,发现这种草药可以增强人体对压力的反应。 And earlier this year, a study on people with mild-to-moderate depression, from Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, showed that patients taking a Rhodiola extract called SHR-XNUMX reported fewer symptoms of depression than did those who took a placebo.今年早些时候,《北欧精神病学杂志》(Nordic Journal of Psychiatry)对轻度至中度抑郁症患者进行的一项研究表明,服用名为SHR-XNUMX的红景天提取物的患者与服用安慰剂的患者相比,抑郁症的症状更少。