
Steroids has been found by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in an intensive body lotion with Aloe Vera - OSAS, which claimed to contain natural ingredients.药物和保健产品监管局(MHRA)在含有芦荟-OSAS的密集身体乳液中发现了类固醇,该物质声称含有天然成分。 The lotion, an unlicensed product illegally, was said to treat eczema and psoriasis and has been found to be sold in a variety of Asian and African beauty shops in London and the West Midlands and over the Internet.据说,这种乳液是一种非法的无牌产品,可治疗湿疹和牛皮癣,并已在伦敦和西米德兰兹地区的各种亚洲和非洲美容店以及通过互联网出售。 The lotion caught the attention of the MHRA by a paediatric dermatologist who became concerned when the parent of a baby he was treating for eczema started to use this product on the baby.小儿皮肤科医生引起了MHRA的注意,当正在治疗湿疹的婴儿的父母开始在婴儿上使用该产品时,这种乳液引起了关注。 The lotion tested positive for variable amounts of, Betamethasone dipropionate, which is a type of medicine called a corticosteroid.洗剂中的丙草酸倍他米松含量不同,测试呈阳性,这是一种称为皮质类固醇的药物。 The product also contains Clotrimazole which is used in anti-fungal medications.该产品还含有克霉唑,可用于抗真菌药物。