
N 8世纪。 The Medieval scholars in Europe were aware of the acidic nature of lemon and lime juices.欧洲的中世纪学者意识到柠檬和酸橙汁的酸性。 It was first isolated by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who extracted citric acid from lemon juice.它首先由瑞典化学家卡尔·威廉·谢勒(Carl Wilhelm Scheele)分离,后者从柠檬汁中提取柠檬酸。 
Citric acid has a wide variety of uses in cosmetics and skin care products, because of its following properties: It is an antioxidant and preservative – it protects the body cells from the adverse effects of oxidation.柠檬酸具有以下特性,因此在化妆品和皮肤护理产品中具有广泛的用途:它是抗氧化剂和防腐剂–保护人体细胞免受氧化的不利影响。 It is one of the main ingredients that make a bath bombs.它是制造炸弹的主要成分之一。 It is also used in shampoo to wash out wax and coloring from the hair;它也可用于洗发水中,以洗去头发上的蜡和色素。 and when it is applied to hair, it opens up the outer layer (the cuticle).当将其涂在头发上时,它会打开外层(表皮)。 While the cuticle is open, it allows for a deeper penetration into the hair shaft.当表皮打开时,它可以更深地渗透到毛干中。