
Recently, scientists from Germany have discovered that extracts of a traditional herbal remedy from Tabebuia impetiginosa can act to delay the absorption of dietary fat in animal models.最近,来自德国的科学家发现,来自黑粉虱(Tabebuia impetiginosa)的传统草药的提取物可以延缓动物模型中膳食脂肪的吸收。 And they believe that the extract could be incorporated into a food supplement which may not only reduce obesity, but also lessen the risk of development of type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.他们认为,该提取物可以掺入食品中,不仅可以减轻肥胖症,而且可以降低罹患XNUMX型糖尿病和冠心病的风险。 
According to the scientists, the extract may have a potential use in treating obesity.根据科学家的说法,该提取物可能具有治疗肥胖的潜在用途。 However, they believe a food-supplement based on Tabebuia could reduce the incidence of these diseases as well, because coronary heart disease and diabetes have also been shown to be related to higher triglyceride levels after eating.但是,他们认为,以Tabebuia为基础的食物补充剂也可以降低这些疾病的发生率,因为已经证明冠心病和糖尿病与进食后甘油三酯水平升高有关。 What is more, as obesity in developing countries is also on the increase, such extracts, taken as a capsule or added to food, may be a cheaper alternative for the rural population to pharmaceuticals.而且,由于发展中国家的肥胖症也在增加,因此,作为胶囊或添加到食品中的这种提取物对于农村人口而言可能是一种较便宜的替代药物。