
IBS是一种引起腹痛和不规则排便的疾病,影响了5%至20%的人口。 Presently, it is difficult to treat IBS because we do not know exactly what causes it.目前,很难治疗IBS,因为我们不知道是什么原因引起的。 Usual therapies include fiber supplements, probiotics, antidepressants, hypnotherapy, and laxatives.通常的疗法包括纤维补充剂,益生菌,抗抑郁药,催眠疗法和泻药。 This treatment uncertainty, however, has led to the promotion of complementary and alternative treatments by international and national bodies.然而,这种治疗方法的不确定性已导致国际和国家机构促进补充和替代治疗。
Therapies to treat IBS such as fiber, antispasmodics and peppermint oil have been studied, but their effectiveness has not been proven because of conflicting conclusions and errors in analysis.已经研究了用于治疗IBS的疗法,例如纤维,解痉剂和薄荷油,但是由于结论矛盾和分析错误,尚未证明其有效性。 Recent proof of the effectiveness of these treatments should also result in changes in the national guidelines that specify how to manage IBS.有关这些治疗方法有效性的最新证据也应导致指定IBS管理方法的国家指南发生变化。 The researchers found that all three therapies were effective IBS treatments compared to placebo or no treatment.研究人员发现,与不使用安慰剂相比,所有三种疗法都是有效的IBS治疗方法。