
Sinupret包含五种传统欧洲草药的提取物:老花(Sambucus nigra)花,樱草花(Primula veris)花,普通浆草(Rumex acetosa)花草,欧洲vervain(Verbena officinalis)草和龙胆(Gentiana lutea)根。 Based on the review of the available scientific and clinical information from the studies, the monograph concludes that Sinupret has a relatively significant level of safety and efficacy data compared to many other natural products intended for use in maintaining the health of sinuses and the upper respiratory tract.根据对这些研究可获得的科学和临床信息的回顾,专着得出的结论是,与许多其他旨在维持鼻窦和上呼吸道健康的天然产品相比,Sinupret的安全性和有效性数据水平相对较高。 。