
Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access Journal of Translational Medicine have shown that the herb, much used in traditional Chinese and other Asian medicine, does have anti-inflammatory effects.研究人员在BioMed Central的开放获取的《转化医学杂志》上写道,该草药确实具有抗炎作用,这种草药广泛用于中药和其他亚洲医学中。 Laboratory experiments have demonstrated the immunological effects of ginseng.实验室实验证明了人参的免疫学作用。 Allan Lau led a team of researchers from the University of Hong Kong who identified seven ginseng constituents, ginsenosides, which showed immune-suppressive effects.刘亚伦(Allan Lau)领导了香港大学的一组研究人员,他们确定了XNUMX种人参成分人参皂甙,它们具有免疫抑制作用。 "The anti-inflammatory role of ginseng may be due to the combined effects of these ginsenosides, targeting different levels of immunological activity, and so contributing to the diverse actions of ginseng in humans", said Allan Lau.艾伦·刘说:“人参的抗炎作用可能是由于这些人参皂甙的结合作用,针对不同水平的免疫活性,因此有助于人参在人体中的多种作用。”