
There are two kinds of Basil that are widely used in Ayurvedic medicine and have been scientifically shown to reduce inflammation and swelling.罗勒有两种广泛用于印度草药的罗勒,并已被科学证明可减轻炎症和肿胀。 It is suggested that they could have potential in arthritis treatment.建议它们在关节炎治疗中可能具有潜力。 
在皇家药学会的年度活动中,来自Poona Collage of Pharmacy的Vaibhav Shinde先生介绍了Ocimum tenuiflorum和Ocimum americanum品种的研究结果,这些品种用于印度草药治疗支气管炎,支气管哮喘,皮肤病,关节炎,炎症和发烧。 
Extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum were shown to relieve swelling by up to 73%, 24 hours after treatment, and similar results happened to Ocimum americanum.研究显示,在处理后XNUMX小时,tenciflorum的Ocimum tenuiflorum提取物最多可将肿胀减轻XNUMX%,美洲的Ocimum也有类似的结果。 Meanwhile, results for both plants were similar to those happened to diclofenac - an anti-inflammatory drug that is widely used in the treatment of arthritis.同时,两种植物的结果都与双氯芬酸相似。双氯芬酸是一种被广泛用于治疗关节炎的抗炎药。