
Euphorbiaceae is a plant commonly known as physic nut, with a big shrub around 6 meters tall with spreading branches and stubby twigs.大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)是一种通常被称为“物理坚果”的植物,具有约XNUMX米高的大灌木,有蔓延的树枝和短枝。 This plant is native to tropical America and also found in Jamaica, India and Brazil.该植物原产于热带美洲,也见于牙买加,印度和巴西。 As one of the representative families of the region, it is used in folk medicine as an antiulcer agent.作为该地区的代表性家族之一,它在民间医学中用作抗溃疡药。 The family of Euphorbiaceae contains many members from milkweeds to poinsettias and no matter where these plants are found, one thing remains constant, the production of latex.大戟科的科目包括从乳草到一品红的许多成员,无论在何处发现这些植物,一件事保持不变,即乳胶的生产。 
Euphorbiaceae members have been used in treating gonorrhea, asthma, spleen enlargement, as well as tumors.大戟科成员已用于治疗淋病,哮喘,脾肿大和肿瘤。 Extracts of Euphorbia esula L. and Croton tiglium L., two members of the Euphorbiaceae which have been used widely in folk medicine for treating cancers, showed antileukemic activity against the P-388 lymphocytic leukemia in mice.大戟科的两个成员-大戟科的Euphorbia esula L.和Croton tiglium L.的提取物在小鼠中表现出抗P-XNUMX淋巴细胞白血病的抗白血病活性。