
Organic and natural cosmetics are made from mineral pigments and organic plant extracts, which provide natural sun filters, long-lasting color and deliver a healthy-looking radiant glow.有机和天然化妆品由矿物颜料和有机植物提取物制成,可提供天然防晒霜,持久的色彩并提供健康的辐射光。 Saffron is a native of Southern Europe and was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans.藏红花是南欧人,古代希腊人和罗马人都知道。 During the Byzantine Empire, saffron began to fade from the Greek larder and pharmacopoeia, although it was used as a cosmetic and dye and is still one of the 57 ingredients of the Holy Chrism, a sweet-smelling unguent priests use to anoint the faithful during various rituals in the Greek Orthodox Church.在拜占庭帝国时期,藏红花虽然已被用作化妆品和染料,但从希腊的储藏室和药典开始逐渐消失,它仍然是圣洁基督的XNUMX种成分之一。希腊东正教教堂的各种仪式。 Traditionally saffron is believed to promote fairness of the complexion, especially in fairness creams, which helps clear skin blemishes, imperfections and scars.传统上,藏红花被认为可以促进肤色的白皙,特别是在白皙的乳霜中,可以帮助清除皮肤上的斑点,瑕疵和疤痕。