
Oenanthotoxin,一种高度不饱和的高级醇,已被证明在哺乳动物中是一种非常强大的惊厥剂。 It is found in all parts of the plant, particularly the roots.它存在于植物的所有部位,尤其是根部。 As a powerful convulsant, it is applied topically to cat cortex and produces a long-lasting epileptic focus, possibly due to alteration in calcium conductance.作为强效的惊厥剂,它可能局部应用于猫皮层并产生持久的癫痫病灶,这可能是由于钙电导率的改变所致。 Oenanthotoxin (OETX) is known to induce convulsions and epileptic spikes in rat and it caused an irreversible inhibition of loading transfer arid sodium inflow at the nerve fibers of frogs.蛇皮草毒素(OETX)会在大鼠中引起惊厥和癫痫发作,并导致不可逆转地抑制青蛙神经纤维的负荷转移和钠流入。 It is shown that OETX reversibly blocks the action potential and the sodium, potassium and gating currents in frog myelinated nerve fibres.结果表明,OETX可逆性阻断青蛙有髓神经纤维的动作电位以及钠,钾和门控电流。 Rabbits and cats given a lethal dose of Oenanthotoxin could be saved by the early administration of barbiturates.尽早给予巴比妥类药物可以挽救给予致命剂量的月见草毒素的兔子和猫。