
Yacon糖浆是来自Yacon植物的天然糖替代品,该植物是在南美安第斯地区发现的块茎。 Yacon糖浆作为饮食,糖尿病和与结肠相关的健康食品中的成分,在国际市场上具有强大的潜力。 Some studies have suggested that yacon syrup may be beneficial to the body in moderate amounts.一些研究表明,适量的甜瓜糖浆可能对身体有益。 Because yacon syrup is plant based it is also vegan and a good alternative for vegetarians who want to avoid the high sugar content of maple syrup or honey.因为Yacon糖浆是植物性的,所以它也是素食主义者,也是素食主义者的理想选择,他们希望避免枫糖浆或蜂蜜的高糖含量。 For diabetics, vegans and those cutting down on their sugar intake, yacon syrup makes a healthy alternative to synthesized sweeteners.对于糖尿病患者,纯素食者和减少其糖摄入量的人来说,Yacon糖浆是合成甜味剂的健康替代品。 For those looking to increase the amount of natural foods in their diet, it can also be a welcome addition.对于那些希望增加饮食中天然食物含量的人来说,这也是一个受欢迎的补充。