
Cistanche deserticola is found only in China but is widely distributed in China's deserts including in Gansu, Shaanxi, and Qinghai Provinces, and the Autonomous Regions Xinjiang Uygur (see map, left), Ningxia Hui, and Inner Mongolia.肉stan蓉仅在中国发现,但广泛分布在中国的沙漠中,包括甘肃,陕西和青海省以及新疆维吾尔自治区(见左图),宁夏回族自治区和内蒙古。 It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to reinforce kidney function and improve stamina.它在中药中用于增强肾功能和改善体力。 Cistanche Deserticola Extract is a rejuvenating kidney tonic, helping to support and enhance function of the kidneys.肉stan蓉提取物能使肾脏恢复活力,有助于支持和增强肾脏功能。 It is also useful for impotence in men so that is used as sex booster.它对男性阳imp也很有用,因此可以用作性助剂。