
Yohimbe is an evergreen tree native to western Africa in Nigeria, Cameroon, the Congo and Gabon.育亨宾是常绿树种,原产于非洲西部的尼日利亚,喀麦隆,刚果和加蓬。 The bark of the yohimbe plant contains the active compounds called alkaloids, of which the principal alkaloid is called yohimbine.育亨宾植物的树皮含有称为生物碱的活性化合物,其中的主要生物碱称为育亨宾。 Yohimbe has been used for centuries in African folk medicine to treat fevers, leprosy, coughs, and as a local anesthetic.育亨宾在非洲民间医学中使用了数百年,用于治疗发烧,麻风,咳嗽和局部麻醉。 Generally, yohimbe is an herbal remedy that is claimed to be useful as an aphrodisiac and for treating several health conditions, such as depression, high blood pressure, and various sexual problems.通常,育亨宾是一种草药,据称可用作壮阳药,可用于治疗多种健康状况,例如抑郁,高血压和各种性问题。 Yohimbe bark is also smoked or snuffed for its hallucinogenic effects.育亨宾树皮也因其致幻作用而被熏制或扑鼻。