
Bacopa monnieri是多年生爬行植物,其栖息地包括湿地和泥泞的海岸。 Brahmi is also the name given to Centella asiatica by some botanists, while others consider that to be a mistake that arose during the 16th century, when brahmi was confused with mandukaparni, a name for C. asiatica.The leaves of this plant are succulent and relatively thick.婆罗米也是一些植物学家给积雪草的称呼,而另一些人则认为这是XNUMX世纪时婆罗米与积雪草的名字mandukaparni混淆的错误。比较厚。 The flowers are small and white, with four or five petals.花小而白色,有四或五个花瓣。 Its ability to grow in water makes it a popular aquarium plant.它在水中生长的能力使其成为流行的水族馆植物。 It can even grow in slightly brackish conditions.它甚至可以在微咸的条件下生长。 Propagation is often achieved through cuttings.It is a traditional treatment for epilepsy and asthma.繁殖通常通过cutting插来实现,是癫痫和哮喘的传统治疗方法。