
Atriplex hortensis is a hardy, annual plant, with an erect, branching stem, varying in height from two to four feet, according to the variety.麦角金合欢是一种耐寒的一年生植物,有直立的分枝茎,根据品种的不同,其高度从两英尺到四英尺不等。 The leaves are variously shaped, but somewhat oblong, comparatively thin in texture, and slightly acid to the taste, the flowers are small and obscure, greenish or reddish, corresponding in a degree with the color of the foliage of the plant;叶片形状各异,但略呈长方形,质地较薄,略带酸味,花小而晦涩,呈绿色或微红色,在某种程度上与植物的叶子颜色相对应; the seeds are small, black, and surrounded with a thin, pale-yellow membrane.种子小,黑色,周围被薄的淡黄色膜包围。 They retain their vitality for three years.他们保持活力三年。