
Bael is a middle sized slender aromatic armed tree.拜尔(Bael)是一棵中型细长的芳香武装树。 It is a fruit-bearing tree.Its fruit is eaten fresh or dried.这是一棵结果树,可以新鲜或干吃。 If fresh, the juice is strained and sweetened to make a drink similar to lemonade, and is also used in making sharbat, a refreshing drink where the pulp is mixed with lime juice.如果是新鲜的,则将果汁过滤并加糖以制成类似于柠檬水的饮料,也可用于制作sharbat(一种清新的饮料,将果肉与酸橙汁混合)。 If the fruit is to be dried, it is usually sliced first and left to dry by the heat of the sun.如果要干燥水果,通常先将其切成薄片,然后放在阳光下干燥。