
Cinnamon Fern,is a species of eusporangiate fern in the family Osmundaceae.肉桂蕨是欧斯蒙科(Esporundaceae)中的一种孢子囊蕨。 It is native to the Americas and eastern Asia, growing in swamps, bogs and moist woodlands.它原产于美洲和东亚,在沼泽,沼泽和潮湿的林地中生长。
In North America it occurs from southern Labrador west to Ontario, and south through the eastern United States to eastern Mexico and the West Indies;在北美洲,它从拉布拉多南部到安大略省,再从美国东部到墨西哥东部和西印度群岛,南下; in South America it occurs west to Peru and south to Paraguay.在南美,它发生在秘鲁的西部和南部的巴拉圭。 In Asia it occurs from southeastern Siberia south through Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan to Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.在亚洲,它从西伯利亚东南部到日本,韩国,中国和台湾,再到缅甸,泰国和越南。