
Salvia verbenaca, also known as Wild Clary or Wild Sage, is a tall perennial herb with hairy stems and branches that erectly sprawl out.丹参(Salvia verbenaca),也被称为野生鼠尾草或野生鼠尾草,是一种多年生高大草本植物,有毛状茎和直立蔓延的树枝。 Its leaves are basal and toothed that vary from 3 to 10 centimeters long.它的叶子基生,有齿,长XNUMX至XNUMX厘米。 It has soft purple to violet flowers in mid summer.夏季中旬,它的花朵从紫色到紫色都柔和。
It is in flower from June to September, and the seeds ripen from July to October.它在六月至九月开花,种子在七月至十月成熟。 The flowers are bisexual and are pollinated by bees.花是双性恋的,被蜜蜂授粉。 Some are also cleistogamous and pollinate themselves.有些人也有同性恋,可以授粉。 The plant is noted for attracting wildlife.该植物因吸引野生动植物而闻名。 It prefers neutral and alkaline soils and needs full sun.This aromatic sage is used as a flavoring in foods and to make tea.它偏爱中性和碱性土壤,需要充足的阳光。这种芳香的鼠尾草被用作食品调味料和茶。 The flowers can be added to salads.可以将花添加到沙拉中。