Caltha 钩唇

Caltha leptosepala(白色沼泽万寿菊,双花沼泽万寿菊或阔叶沼泽万寿菊)是毛cup科中的一种开花植物。 It is native to western North America from Alaska to New Mexico, where it grows in wet mountain habitats in alpine and subalpine regions.它原产于从阿拉斯加到新墨西哥州的北美西部,在高山和亚高山地区的潮湿山区栖息地生长。 There are two general wild types of this species, one native to the interior and one that grows along the Pacific coast and coastal mountains, but these are not always treated separately.该物种有两种普通的野生类型,一种是内部原生的,另一种是沿太平洋海岸和沿海山脉生长的,但并不总是将它们分开处理。