
Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is the common name for an edible tropical plant and also its fruit.菠萝(Ananas comosus)是可食用的热带植物及其果实的俗称。 It is native to the southern part of Brazil, and Paraguay.它原产于巴西南部和巴拉圭。 Pineapple is eaten fresh or canned and is available as a juice or in juice combinations.菠萝可新鲜食用或罐装食用,可作为果汁或果汁组合使用。 It is used in desserts, salads, as a complement to meat dishes and in fruit cocktail.它可用于甜点,色拉,作为肉类菜肴和水果鸡尾酒的补充。 While sweet, it is known for its high acid content (perhaps malic and/or citric).虽然甜,但因其高酸含量(也许是苹果酸和/或柠檬酸)而闻名。 Pineapples are the only bromeliad fruit in widespread cultivation.菠萝是广泛种植的唯一凤梨果实。 It is one of the most commercially important plants which carry out CAM photosynthesis.它是进行CAM光合作用的最重要的商业植物之一。