
nan菜(Alternanthera)是the菜科(Amaranthaceae)的A属中的大约80种草本植物种类的属。 It is a widespread genus with a cosmopolitan distribution.它是具有世界性分布的广泛属。
Several species are aquatic plant in habit, but most are spreading stoloniferous plants, sometimes used as ground cover.有几种是习性的水生植物,但大多数是蔓生的lon茎植物,有时被用作地被植物。 The leaves are simple and verticillate.叶子简单而细密。 The small white or yellow flowers are arranged in chafflike bracts, growing in the leaf buds.白色或黄色的小花排列成箔状cha片,在叶芽中生长。
Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), a native of South America, forms dense, sprawling mats, reaching 15 m across.南美原产的扬子鳄杂草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)形成茂密的蔓延垫,跨度达XNUMX m。 It is considered a noxious weed, choking ponds, lakes, streams, canals, and irrigation ditches.它被认为是一种有害的杂草,窒息的池塘,湖泊,溪流,运河和灌溉沟渠。 It is being suppressed through biological control with the alligator weed flea beetle (Agasicles hygrophila), the alligator weed thrips (Amynothrips andersoni), and the alligator weed stem borer (Vogtia malloi).通过鳄鱼皮杂草跳蚤甲虫(Agasicles hygrophila),鳄鱼皮杂草蓟马(Amynothrips andersoni)和鳄鱼皮杂草茎bore(Vogtia malloi)的生物防治来抑制这种病。 Mechanical and chemical controls fail.机械和化学控制失败。
Alternanthera属中仅有少数几种适合用于水族馆的水生植物。 lilacina,A. reineckii变种roseafolia, A. reineckii var.蔷薇叶蔷薇A. reineckii var。 rubra, and A. sessilis, which is semi-aquatic风疹和半水生的A. sessilis