点头洋葱(Allium cernuum),也称为淑女韭菜,是一种属于葱科的多年生植物。
It has an unsheathed slender conic bulb which gradually tapers directly into several keeled grass-like leaves (2–4 mm wide).它有一个没有鞘的细长圆锥形球茎,逐渐逐渐变细成几根龙骨状的草状叶子(宽XNUMX-XNUMX毫米)。 Each mature bulb bears a single flowering stem, which terminates in a downward nodding umbel of white or rose flowers.每个成熟的鳞茎都带有单个开花茎,该茎以向下的白色或玫瑰花朵点头伞形花序终止。 Nodding onion blooms in July or August.点头洋葱在XNUMX月或XNUMX月盛开。 The flowers mature into spherical crested fruits which later split open to reveal the dark shiny seeds.花成熟后变成球形的凤头果,随后裂开,露出深色的闪亮种子。 This plant does not have bulblets in the inflorescence.该植物在花序中没有鳞茎。 This plant grows in dry woods, rock outcroppings, and prairies.这种植物生长在干燥的树林,岩石露头和大草原上。 It is native to North America from New York to British Columbia south to Virginia and Kentucky and south in the mountains.它原产于北美,从纽约到不列颠哥伦比亚省,再到弗吉尼亚州和肯塔基州,再到山区南部。 The bulb is edible and has a strong onion flavor.该鳞茎可食用,并且具有浓郁的洋葱味。