
猕猴桃属木本植物,除少数例外,是雌雄异株的植物,原产于东亚温带,遍布中国,台湾,韩国和日本的大部分地区,从北向西伯利亚东南部延伸至印度支那。 该属包括生长至6 m高的灌木和生长旺盛的旺盛藤本植物,其树冠生长至30 m。
The leaves are alternate, simple, with a dentate margin and a long petiole.叶片互生,单叶,具齿状边缘和长叶柄。 The flowers are solitary or in axillary cymes, usually white, with five small petals.花单生或腋生聚伞花序,通常白色,有五个小花瓣。 Most of the species are dioecious with separate male and female plants, but some are monoecious.多数物种雌雄异株,雌雄分开,但有些雌雄同株。 The fruit is a large berry containing numerous small seeds;果实为大浆果,内含无数小种子。 in most species the fruit is edible.在大多数物种中,水果是可食用的。