Allium vineale (Crow Garlic or Wild Onion) is a perennial bulbflower in the genus Allium, native to Europe, north Africa and western Asia.葱(乌鸦大蒜或野葱)是葱属的多年生球茎花,原产于欧洲,北非和西亚。 The species is introduced in Australia and North America, where it has become an invasive species.该物种是在澳大利亚和北美引入的,已经成为一种入侵物种。
All parts of the plant have a strong garlic odour.植物的所有部分都有强烈的大蒜味。 The underground bulb is 1-2 cm diameter, with a fibrous outer layer.地下灯泡直径30-120厘米,外层有纤维。 The main stem grows to 2-4 cm tall, bearing 2-5 leaves and an apical inflorescence 15-60 cm diameter comprising a number of small bulbils and none to a few flowers, subtended by a basal bract.主茎长到2-4厘米高,有2-5片叶子,顶端花序XNUMX-XNUMX厘米直径,由许多小鳞茎和几朵花中没有,基部片对着。 The leaves are slender hollow tubular, XNUMX-XNUMX cm long and XNUMX-XNUMX mm thick, waxy textured, with a groove along the side of the leaf facing the stem.叶子是细长的空心管状,长XNUMX-XNUMX厘米,厚XNUMX-XNUMX毫米,有蜡质纹理,在叶子的面向茎的一侧有一个凹槽。 The flowers are XNUMX-XNUMX mm long, with six petals varying in colour from pink to red or greenish-white.花长XNUMX-XNUMX毫米,六瓣花瓣的颜色从粉红色到红色或绿白色。 It flowers in the summer, June to August in northern Europe.它在夏季的XNUMX月至XNUMX月在北欧开花。 Plants with no flowers, only bulbils, are sometimes distinguished as the variety Allium vineale var.没有花,只有鳞茎的植物有时被称为“葱属变种”。 compactum, but this character is probably not taxonomically significant.致密性,但此特征在分类学上可能不重要。