
Plankton, especially brown algae, are rich in polysaccharides that are lacking in many terrestrial plants, such as brown algal gum, brown algal gum and kelp starch.浮游生物,尤其是褐藻,富含许多陆地植物所缺乏的多糖,例如褐藻胶,褐藻胶和海带淀粉。 In addition, alga can be degraded into alga oligosaccharides with different molecular weight, which has the function of promoting growth.另外,藻类可降解为不同分子量的藻类低聚糖,具有促进生长的功能。
Different kinds of plankton contain different components of plant hormones, and there is not only one plant hormone in the same species of plankton.不同种类的浮游生物包含不同的植物激素成分,在同一种类的浮游生物中不仅只有一种植物激素。 Betaine is widely present in Marine algae and甜菜碱广泛存在于海藻和 浮游生物提取物,是季铵生物碱,是一种氨基酸或氨基酸衍生物,藻类的多样性决定了它们在结构和功能上的多样性。

一旦在1950年代商业化生产, 浮游生物提取物 was primarily focused on its abundant mineral micronutrients.主要集中在其丰富的矿物质微量营养素上。 Later, people gradually realized that the active substances contained in seaweed are far more important than the trace elements.后来,人们逐渐意识到,海藻中所含的活性物质远比微量元素重要。 Its functions include improving soil environment, improving crop resistance to disease, promoting plant growth, improving mineral nutrition absorption ability, and improving crop quality... At the same time, the organic combination of various active substances make the effects bigger than imaged.它的功能包括改善土壤环境,提高农作物对疾病的抵抗力,促进植物生长,提高矿物质营养吸收能力以及改善农作物质量……同时,各种活性物质的有机结合使效果比想象的要大。

Alginate: a polymer consisting of two monomers, mannose uronic acid and guro uronic acid.海藻酸盐:由两种单体组成的聚合物,甘露糖醛糖酸和古罗糖醛酸。 It has the characteristics of gel, chelation and hydrophilicity, etc., and has a significant effect on soil and water conservation, promoting the formation of aggregates, activating mineral elements and so on.它具有凝胶,螯合和亲水性等特点,对水土保持,促进团聚体的形成,活化矿质元素等具有显著作用。 It has a good soil regulation effect.具有良好的土壤调控效果。 In addition, alga can be degraded into alga oligosaccharides with different molecular weight, which has the function of promoting growth.另外,藻类可降解为不同分子量的藻类低聚糖,具有促进生长的功能。

Betaine is widely found in Marine algae and seaweed extracts.甜菜碱广泛存在于海藻和海藻提取物中。 It belongs to quaternary ammonium alkaloids and is an amino acid or amino acid derivative.它属于季铵生物碱,是氨基酸或氨基酸衍生物。 The diversity of algae determines their structural and functional diversity.藻类的多样性决定了它们的结构和功能多样性。

At present, the active substances in seaweed extract have been proved in a large number of practices to promote the growth and stress resistance of crops as well as soil improvement.目前,海藻提取物中的活性物质已在许多实践中得到证明,可促进作物的生长和抗逆性以及土壤改良。 The market demand and potential are huge and the prospect is very broad.市场需求和潜力巨大,前景广阔。
Our company supplies fresh ingredients to extract in it.我们公司提供新鲜的食材以供提取。 If you are interested in, please feel free to inquire us.如果您有兴趣,请随时咨询我们。