
胶原蛋白是动物结缔组织中的主要蛋白质,也是哺乳动物中含量最高的蛋白质,约占全身蛋白质含量的25%至35%。 它天然存在于后生动物中,包括海绵。 在肌肉组织中,它是子宫内膜的主要成分。 胶原蛋白构成肌肉组织的1%到2%,占强壮的肌腱肌肉重量的6%。 食品和工业中使用的明胶来源于胶原蛋白的部分水解。
Collagen is one of the long, fibrous structural proteins whose functions are quite different from those of globular proteins such as enzymes.胶原蛋白是长纤维结构蛋白之一,其功能与球状蛋白(例如酶)的功能完全不同。 Tough bundles of collagen called collagen fibers are a major component of the extracellular matrix that supports most tissues and gives cells structure from the outside, but collagen is also found inside certain cells.坚韧的胶原蛋白束(称为胶原蛋白纤维)是细胞外基质的主要组成部分,可支撑大多数组织并从外部提供细胞结构,但在某些细胞内部也发现胶原蛋白。 Collagen has great tensile strength, and is the main component of fascia, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone and skin.胶原蛋白具有很高的抗张强度,是筋膜,软骨,韧带,肌腱,骨骼和皮肤的主要成分。 Along with soft keratin, it is responsible for skin strength and elasticity, and its degradation leads to wrinkles that accompany aging.它与柔软的角蛋白一起,负责皮肤的强度和弹性,其降解导致皱纹并伴随衰老。 It strengthens blood vessels and plays a role in tissue development.它增强血管并在组织发育中起作用。 It is present in the cornea and lens of the eye in crystalline form.它以晶体形式存在于眼角膜和晶状体中。 It is also used in cosmetic surgery and burns surgery.它也用于整容手术和烧伤手术。 Hydrolyzed collagen can play an important role in weight management, as a protein, it can be advantageously used for its satiating power.水解胶原蛋白在体重管理中起着重要作用,它是一种蛋白质,可以满足其饱腹力。