
Herbal viagra is a name that can be given to any herbal product advertised as treating erectile dysfunction.草药伟哥是任何广告宣传可治疗勃起功能障碍的草药产品的名称。 The name Herbal viagra is taken from the brand name Viagra, the name under which drug company Pfizer sells Sildenafil citrate, a drug that is used to treat erectile dysfunction.草药伟哥(Verbal Viagra)来自商标伟哥(Viagra),制药公司辉瑞公司以该名称销售枸Sil酸西地那非(Sildenafil citrate),一种用于治疗勃起功能障碍的药物。
There are many different products being advertised as herbal viagra, all being made with different ingredients.有许多不同的产品被标榜为草药伟哥,都是用不同的成分制成的。 One product, Duro is known to contain an extract of fungus extracted from the larval remains of silkworms.已知一种产品杜罗(Duro)包含从蚕幼体残渣中提取的真菌提取物。 Duro is also said to benefit sportsmen and women through increased stamina.据说杜罗(Duro)还可以通过增加耐力使运动员和妇女受益。 Many of these herbal remedies originate from ancient tribes, such as Mapuche Viagra which is used by Chile's Mapuche people.这些草药很多都来自古代部落,例如智利Mapuche人民使用的Mapuche Viagra。
Herbal viagras, contrary to what the name suggests, do not normally contain Sildenafil Citrate.与名称相反,草药伟哥通常不含枸Sil酸西地那非。 Viagra has become a generic term for many people discussing drugs designed to treat erectile disfunction.伟哥已成为许多人讨论旨在治疗勃起功能障碍的药物的通用术语。
Herbal viagras often carry a number of dangerous side effects, primarily they often cause abnormally low blood pressure and can restrict blood flow to vital organs.草药伟哥通常会带来许多危险的副作用,主要是它们通常会导致异常低的血压,并会限制血液流向重要器官。 There is also evidence to suggest some preparations may be toxic if taken larger doses.也有证据表明,如果服用较大剂量的某些制剂可能有毒。